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Welcome to the IDBacDB User Guide

IDBacDB is a platform to group, putatively identify, and prioritize bacterial strains using MALDI-TOF MS.

IDBacDB is available at

This documentation is intended to clarify the details on how IDBacDB is intended to be used.

WARNING: IDBacDB is currently in a restricted beta phase. Registration is limitted and functionality may change without warning.

To learn more about how IDBac works, checkout the Original IDBac Desktop App or read our primary reference.

If you use IDBac in your own work, please cite us at:

  • Clark, C. M.; Costa, M. S.; Sanchez, L. M.; Murphy, B. T. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 2018, 115, 4981-4986. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1801247115

Note: Some functionality including viewing public libraries, and searching spectra against IDBacDB is available without logging in. However, logging in enables users to easily track their previous searches and upload their own private or public MALDI-TOF datasets.

Looking to add to the IDBacDB?

Start right away here!

Looking to search IDBacDB?

Start right away here!


For feedback, questions or comments please submit a GitHub issue on our public documentation page!!